Anyone for EYD?

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

Did you know it was the EYD?

I didn't either.  I still didn't, when someone explained that EYD stood for the European Year of Development.  This, it seems, is an EU gambit that's setting out to increase our understanding of the "progress that has been made in international development", and to inspire citizens to "join the conversation".  Dear me!

I'm grateful (as ever) to Think Global for this news.  TG says it has been "working with Bond" (whether Brooke, Basildon or James it doesn't say) to ensure that the EYD is communicated with (sic) schools and teachers.  TG is developing a teaching resource that will set out the positive development stories behind the photos featured in its 2015/16 wallplanner, with ideas on how teachers can use these in the classroom.  In the autumn, it will be running online training on positive development stories for the classroom.

I'm tempted to ask who's working on the negative development stories (for requisite balance, you know).  But, I guess that's the Daily Mail.


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