A future for Higher Education – in 29 bullet points

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

The Centre for Environmental Education [CEE] in Ahmedabad held a conference last month on Education as a Driver of Sustainable Development Goals, which produced a plan for action, of which more later, no doubt.

Another document also emerged from this meeting titled: Goal 4.3 Higher Education and TVET Recommendations.  This is mosly bullet points, 29 of them, each embodying a moral instruction and beginning with an active verb:

examine  /  recognise  /  utilise  /  assess  /  reorient  /  improve  /   apply  /  develop /  increase  /  teach  /   provide  /  utilise  /  enhance  /  respect  /  use  /  employ  /  offer  /  develop  /  empower  /  develop  /  collaborate  /  convene  /  utilise  /  revise  /  model  /  cultivate  /  establish  /  provide  /  integrate

This list fails a simple rhetorical test: if you're going to do this, you should never repeat a verb.  Not that this doing so would have made a difference, as no one who actually matters in the real world will get to read this.  It's safe to assume that these unremarkable recommendations will go largely, un-remarked.

Here's a link to the meeting discussions about all this, although these recommendations are not there for some reason.  You'll find plenty of pics of conference sessions, and other links.  It seems that more than 750 people from 22 countries attended the event.  All that carbon ...



Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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