The February edition of SEEd's newsletter contains what it says is a case study of the sustainable schools alliance [SSA]. It begins ...
"This case study is not a single initiative nor a one organisation programme. Rather is has been a journey since the early 1990s. As such this case study represents a systems approach and a scaling up through:
- creating some niches of innovative practice;
- using a patchwork of regimes/levers that existed at different times;
- exploring the potential of a change in the landscape of sustainability in the formal education system of the UK;
- reviewing and evaluating.
This journey also represents the stages and approaches to scaling up that were beginning to be seen in 2010 across the whole of the English school system, but have since been slowed down due to changes in government focus. ..."
But the case hardly mentions the SSA, having more to say about SEEd and WWF(UK) than the Alliance. How peculiar.