Environmental education had a good referendum campaign in that nothing bad or scurrilous was said about it; no one burnt effigies of the founding fathers, NAEE's head office wasn't mired in graffiti, and the historic meeting of NAEE and NAAEE in Bristol in the middle of the debate, went off without so much as a banner of protest being seen.
That said, all this was largely because environmental education wasn't mentioned at all during the campaign – neither was education as it's largely out of the EU's many areas of (in)competence. It looks, 10 days into Year 0, that environmental education will be largely unaffected by what now emerges in whatever post-EU world we finally come to rest. That's to say, everyone will continue to ignore it. But, given how little it relies on EU monies to survive, survive it well might.
But will global learning fare as well, I wonder. Global education / development education /etc / etc has much more support on the continent, not just within EU nations, but beyond, and EU monies find their way to it easily – well more easily than to environmental education, although it was not always so. Then there's the über-global Pearson, a cheerleader, for Pearson, mostly, but also for global learning.
One to watch, I think.