What's it all about, Valerie?

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

As no one seems to know what outdoor learning is for, the Institute for Outdoor Learning [IOL] is to be congratulated for confronting the issue head on at its 2016 conference on 14-15th October.

Valerie Hannon will be the keynote speaker.  She is a former adviser to the DfE and co-founder of the Innovation Unit.  Her publication ‘What is Learning For?’ (Yours for $38) has inspired the conference, it seems.  Hannon will examine what "need to be global, local, inter and intra-personal purposes of learning in the future", which seems to cover the bases nicely.

Andy Robinson, CEO of IOL says:

"We were inspired by Valerie’s paper to examine the relevance of our sector today [and] are thrilled that Valerie has agreed to help us explore this topic from the viewpoint of cutting edge educational practices. We propose to also examine these four purposes within our master classes, workshops and sessions in a practical and hands on way."

This year's conference is also a "joined-up affair" as IOL has collaborated with AHOEC – the Association of Heads of Outdoor Education Centres (which I confess not to have heard of).  The two organisations will both hold individual specialist days, coming together on the Friday for keynote session and other workshops and masterclasses.  Not so much joined-up, then, as loosely-coupled.  Looking forward to it already.


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