Education, sustainability post-2015

Posted in: Comment, New Publications

A new series of UNESCO reports is promised: the GEMs [Global Education Monitoring] reports.  These will monitor "the state of education in the new framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)".  They replace the Global Monitoring [GM] reports (GMR).

The first report is: ‘Education for people and planet – creating sustainable futures for all’.  It has a thematic and a monitoring part.  The thematic part focuses on examining interrelationships between education and key development sectors.  It determines which education strategies, policies and programmes are most effectively linked to the economic, social, environmental and political priorities of the new sustainable development agenda.  Part 2 establishes a monitoring framework for education post-2015, and examine key financing and governance challenges for the post-2015 era.

You can read the concept note that underpins the report here.  My guess is that the report itself will say nothing new or useful if the following is anything to go by:

"The 2016 report will define education’s role in the broader sustainable development agenda, and reflect consultations and partnerships with non-education specialists working in other development sectors.  This will provide perspectives on other sectoral needs and ensure the integration of education in other sustainability initiatives."

Oh dear ...

Posted in: Comment, New Publications


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