Following the Referendum ...

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

Tonight's I-SEE seminar is a return by Professor John Loughhead, the Chief Scientific Advisor and Director General at the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy.  This is the Abstract of his talk:

Following the Referendum result on continuing membership of the EU there have been substantial changes in Government, especially that part which handles energy policy.  The previous Department of Energy & Climate Change has joined with elements of the previous Department of Business Innovation & Skills to create the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.  How might this affect either the priorities or choices for future energy systems, or the means by which they are approached?  Are there technology implications?  And in the context of an intent to leave the EU what could it mean for national programmes, and international collaboration, in energy research?

Might we have more rationality and certainty within energy policy, he might have added.  I'll report back ...

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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