Describing itself as a "one-stop shop for education data" which brings together "brings together all available data", UNESCO's Institute for Statistics has launched its eAtlas for Education 2030. Sadly, it's off to a poor start.
If you go here, you will find data on "upper secondary completion rates" and a nice map that allows you to zoom in on individual countries. Whilst there are data for India, Moldova, Albania, Tanzania and the Yemen, and dozens of other countries, there is nothing on the EU, Canada or Australia. Why?
Perhaps its methodology section holds a clue. This says:
This eAtlas presents a wide range of indicators, many of which are based on the results of the annual UIS education and literacy surveys, which cover more than 200 countries and territories. The UIS global education database is updated every six months. In addition, the eAtlas presents a series of indicators that are based on different sources of information. The UIS has identified a need for selecting a number of placeholders for indicators which are not yet widely available to ensure that monitoring can initially be based on an indicator that captures a similar concept but is more widely available now. Some of these indicators are not internationally comparable and should be interpreted with caution. They are designed to shed light on the issues and countries’ abilities to produce the official monitoring indicators, which are being developed through a series of collaborative initiatives with partners at the national, regional and global levels.
There you go: better informed but none the wiser.