There was an almost plangent tone to the message to the EE Mailbase back in December about WEEC 2017, an event, I readily confess, I'd been trying to ignore. The message title was:
Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research – WEEC2017
It began ...
Dear Colleagues, on behalf of the Socio-Scientific Committee of the World Environmental Education Congress, we invite you to submit an Abstract that addresses the Congress Theme: Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research.
This innovative, interactive and international event is scheduled for September 9-15, 2017, in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Presenters and participants are encouraged to share, reflect on and discuss the(ir) researching of environmental and sustainability education (ESE). A critical review of the focus, design and outcomes of research – what has worked and what not, on what grounds, and with what implications for the field of ESE research – is strongly encouraged. Please note that the wider list of congress themes, listed below, separates what is inseparable, and the congress themes need to be considered as interconnected. Wherever possible, abstracts (300 words or less (sic)) should aim to create links among strands. Proposals can also be directed towards a teacher/educator or researcher audience (or both).
Are you tempted by this? Is it enough to overcome your reservations about the WEEC franchise? Does it (as I may have mentioned before, and indeed more than once) make you go WEEC at the knees?
Are you thrilled at the prospect of re-interconnecting the separated inseparables?
Or do you think that the august team behind all this [ Alan Reid, Nicole Ardoin, David Zandvliet ] might just have been blinded by opportunity?
I'll not be going, but I'm already looking forward to commenting as the jamboree unfolds.