Alas, this is one of the many unknowns about UNESCO – but at least it's a known unknown. Perhaps it's a Stack. One known known about it all is that those who don't know are precisely matched by those who don't care all that much.
Anyway, the UK Chairs and UNTWIN co-ordinators all met in colloquium late last year to chew the fat. Here's what UNESCO UK had to say about it all. Reflecting on the meeting, UKNC Chair Dr Beth Taylor said:
“I am hugely impressed by the range and quality of expertise embodied in the UK’s UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks – an impression that was reinforced by our discussions at the Colloquium. One of my personal objectives as Chair of the National Commission will be to raise the profile of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks, and to ensure that the meaning and value of their UNESCO accreditation is even more widely recognised both by their peers and the general public.”
But who are these people? Do you know? Here's a link to the Chairs. Those directly focused on education are the Chairs in:
- HIV AIDS Education and Health Security in Africa (Aberystwyth)
- Globalising a shared education model for improving relations in divided societies (Queens Belfast)
- Higher Education Management (Bath)
- Intercultural Studies and Teacher Education (London)
- Political Economy of Education (Nottingham)
- Education for Pluralism, Human Rights and Democracy (Ulster)
You will have spotted the obvious missing Chair – the elephant not in the room as it were. How curious, the credulous will think.
There's a chance to put this right as there's a call for new applicants. There's still time ...