Building bridges, not walls in London

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

This was the slogan of an event in London on Sunday which I missed.  It was billed as a national summit and had the title:


It was organised by NUS, SOAS student union and LIBER8 Education.  I only heard about it on Monday and it was obviously a riot (in the best progressive sense).  Speakers included Malia Bouattia, Hareem Ghani, Yasser Louatti, Waqar Hussain and Janaya Khan – and "many others tbc".  It went on for 7 hours with more workshops than you could shake a stick at.

I was, as they say: solé, and I could have gone as I was in London.  As it was I spend three of those hours in a pub in Tottenham having lunch, drinking (rather good) craft ale, and doing quizzes.  It was obvious to me afterwards that the pub was full of people who'd not heard of the event either otherwise they'd obviously have gone; we'd have been fighting our way onto the tube at Seven Sisters in our anxiety to be there on time.

I learned all about this at NUS where I went to the latest sustainability working group.  This was, of course, as stimulating as ever, and (an obviously heretical thought) was probably more entertaining than the summit.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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