Bond says it is the "civil society network for global change [that] brings people together to make the international development sector more effective".
Bond hosts the Bond SDGs Group, which it says brings together 150 organisations in the UK who focus on the international development aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also says that it has been "working for the past four years to secure an ambitious set of new global SDGs which integrates the social, environmental and economic pillars of sustainable development", although this sounds rather like what the UN has been doing.
Anyway, there's a new report: Progressing national SDGs implementation: experiences and recommendations from 2016.
This begins:
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in September 2015, represent the most ambitious sustainable development agenda ever agreed by UN Member States. This comprehensive set of 17 goals and 169 targets1 marks a new universal agenda which applies to all countries, rich and poor, who have promised to ensure no one will be left behind in the implementation of the goals. Getting the accountability structures fit for purpose is key in ensuring this pledge is fulfilled. The UN High- Level Political Forum (HLPF) is the key global forum in charge of monitoring the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. This report aims to contribute to ensuring this intergovernmental forum is as e ective as it can be in holding governments to account and supporting their e orts to make progress on the goals. The first UN High Level Political Forum since the agreement of the Sustainable Development Goals took place in July 2016. The forum is mandated to conduct regular State-led reviews and thematic reviews of the implementation of the Agenda, with inputs from other intergovernmental bodies, regional processes, major groups and other stakeholders.
Twenty-two countries volunteered for national review at this year’s HLPF. These countries were:
China, Colombia, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Madagascar, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Switzerland, Togo, Turkey, Uganda and Venezuela.
Nothing from England, I note, which is understandable given the disinterest from those on high. But the absence of reporting from Scotland and Wales is much harder to explain given their never knowingly undersold tendencies ...