The Office for Students

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

The Office for Students [OfS] opened for business on New Year's Day, and so let me offer a belated and partial (in every sense) welcome.  It promises to be highly contentious; indeed it is so already – see this stout defence of a prominent Board member.  I've been trying to find the OfS website, but I mostly get links to Microsoft's 'office for students'.  Did no one notice that this might be a problem?

Looking more closely at the OfS Board membership, it seems that the student in question is Ruth Carlson.  DfE says that she ...

"is a current student at Surrey University, where she is a Student Ambassador for civil engineering. She has experience as a course representative, as a former president of the Surrey University Women’s Football Team and has also worked in other institutional and regional representative forums."

There is a large burden resting on her (no doubt very capable) shoulders as the one student member of a 15 strong Board comprising a selection of the great 'n' good.  But you do have to wonder how, from the countless zillions of students, Carlson was selected?   Maybe it was the football that swung it for Jo Johnson ...

Happy New Year.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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