My local independent free newspaper – the MIN – is actually quite good. It carries lots of stories (most of them positive) about local activities and paints a fine picture of town and village life. It's view on Wiltshire Council is probably less than even-handed, but it will likely say that this is about holding the elected to account. Quite right.
Then there are the letters (including occasionally from me). Other people's letters are often long-winded, complaining, catty, and sometimes about feuds and festering grievances. Occasionally, they are simple thanks for the recovery of a lost purse, wallet, dog or hat. I read them all. The following, which speaks loudly about the level of climate knowledge and debate in the MIN, needs no explication:
Dear Sir
Global warming is the most serious issue today. The scientists say we only have eleven years to get it right. We are now 1.5 degrees and everybody can see the results of that 0.5 degree rise in temperature. Fires, floods and winds. Another 0.5 degree rise and 50% of insects that will pollinate our crops will disappear. We are set to reach 3% rise. Nobody knows what that will do to the planet.
Forget about ... Brexit. The human race may not be here. Why don't these gardeners, wildlife and bird people do anything about it?
Mr G Atkinson