I see that 78% of graduates from UK universities now get Firsts or 2.i degrees. But are we supposed to celebrate this mark of undoubted excellence or fret over obvious grade inflation? This is a glass half-full or half-empty question.
Actually, I'm surprised it's as low as this given that our universities are so wonderful at teaching and their students get such brilliant A levels from super-excellent schools and teachers. Why would it not be 85% or even 90?
But the fretters will surely win the day here especially as the quality bureaucracy and the Daily Mail will be behind them. It may even lead to the abolition of degree classifications and the use of class point reporting. How woke you might think, but I think there's something in it ...
So you came 2nd in your degree class did you?
At the Borchester College of Higher Learning Outcomes?
A masters degree in Rhetoric and Flattery?
A class size of 30?
When can you start?