Did you take part in the XR protest last week? Were you there telling it as it is? Did you sit, devoted, at the feet of Emma Thomson in Oxford Circus as she told her forgiving fans how there was no contradiction in jetting round the globe to appear on a TV show and then making speeches at an XR event? Were you arrested, perhaps?
I did none of these things, although I am far from unsympathetic to what all this is about. I spend these days extending my compost heaps which was a gloriously (almost) recycling, carbon-neutral action. I say almost because I did use about 40 new screws but I'm confident that their carbon-footprint will be more than nullified by the future compost to be created for the garden to the benefit of soil, micro-organisms, invertebrates, insects, birds and animals – and we humans whose lease runs here.
Whether, in the end, my positive compost actions will be more effective that the XR protests in helping to shift the world onto a more sustainable path is doubtful, of course.