More backward defence strokes from the DfE

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

I see in today's NAEE weekly update that DfE was asked over the Summer whether it had any plans to require teacher training institutions to cover sustainability issues.  DfE said:

"... there are no plans to amend the Teachers’ Standards.  The Teacher’s Standards and the Framework of Core Content for Initial Teacher Training are the ‘core’ minimum entitlements for trainee teachers, and not intended to specify the full curriculum offered to trainees.  Therefore training providers are free to design and deliver their courses as they are the experts and they can choose to prioritise issues such as sustainability."
DfE is nothing if not consistent.  Sadly, however, our "training providers" are not experts when it comes to sustainability and the pedagogy associated with it – and DfE knows this.
I seem to write about this stance every 3 years.  See this from 2016, and this from 2013.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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