Teaching the Future

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

This is a new campaign by SOS-UK, UKSCN and XR-Educators to pressure government for curriculum change and a range of other supportive actions.  In outline, this is what it will be asking for:

a Government commissioned review / enquiry / commission into climate emergency learning entitlement that will propose recommendations for Government and educational institutions.

inclusion of the climate emergency and ecological crisis in teacher standards.  This should not wait for the review to report and should be done immediately.

a Climate Emergency Education Act that will sit above existing legislation, creating an expectation on education providers at all levels to deliver teaching and learning on the climate emergency and ecological crisis, and providing additional targeted funding for professional development.

a national climate emergency youth voice grant fund to train and support young people to sit on advisory panels on the climate emergency for public sector organisations.  This should happen immediately.

a Climate Endowment Fund to fund extra-curricular youth-led action engaging peers, teachers and parents in the climate emergency.


This is an ask whose ambition is fully matched by the unlikelihood of the current government saying "of course".  But the campaign is probably looking to whatever patchwork government emerges after the election – whenever it occurs.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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