New words of the year

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

The Economist's Johnson column had a new year article on how new words in 2019 reflect the rise of climate-change activism.  Here are a few of my favourites:

– Germany –  Heisszeit, “Heat Age”

– The Netherlands – laadpaalklever, “charging-post sticker” (someone who uses the electric-car charging space for too long)

– Sweden – flygskam, “flight-shame” (those who fly thoughtlessly or needlessly)

- Sweden – tagskryt, “train-boasting”  (those who smugly know that they can't be accused of flygskam)

– Italy –  gretini, "mindless followers of Ms Thunberg"

– The UK – "existential" .  Enough said ...

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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