The Ramblers have lost their way

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

I am a member of the Ramblers and admire the organisation for its work keeping rights of way open and in good repair, and for their encouragement of exercise in the open air (rain and shine).  I occasionally join local Rambler groups on their weekly walks, and the teams of people who do the clearing and mending.

All this walking by local Rambler groups has been on hold because of the lockdown, but now the Rambler Central Committee has given the green light for these to resume.  Knowing that the virus lurks under every bush, there are restrictions, however:

  • only 6 people per walk
  • no going over stiles or through kissing gates

My local group thinks this is nonsense and is refusing to have anything to do with it.  So, rather than organising local Rambler walks, they've decided just to organise local walks.

Good for them.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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