Wikipedia has a helpful list of English Education ministers down the years. There have been 41 (so far) in my lifetime. This is an average of more than 1 every 2 years. Most (60% or so) have been Conservative). It is a not a job to linger in. In the 4 years since 2021, there have been 6 of them.
Many are memorable – though it's not always possible to remember why. I'd mention:
Robert Lowe, RA Butler, Ellen Wilkinson, David Eccles, Anthony Crossland, Shirley Williams, Margaret Thatcher, Keith Joseph, Kenneth Baker, Estelle Morris, Michael Gove – and Gavin Williamson.
The last name on the list illustrates that not all are memorable for good reasons. Estelle Morris (now in the House of Lords) deserves a special mention; she resigned with dignity from the role when she accepted, what the rest of us knew, that she "wasn't up to the job". My view of her switched overnight from disdain to admiration, and she is now remembered with some gratitude for the revolution she helped to bring about in London schooling – although not the rest of the country.
The list contains some real duffers; Fred Mulley springs to mind. It's not always a job that goes to best in class. This is a pity.
The list also shows how the focus of the Department has shifted back and forth over the years: education / education and science / education and skills / education and employment / children, schools and families / Education (again) ... . No wonder we are confused.
Updated in April 2024.