Walking along the Wansdyke last week we came across about 15 Dexters – the smallest of our native cattle breeds. These are handsome beasts that the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust finds useful in grazing downland to encourage wild flowers to grow.
They had arranged themselves along and across the path along the dyke and we wondered what they would do when we approached them. As we soon found out, they did absolutely nothing. They did look our way but that was it. Fine looking animals and confident in their possession of the space. Not really wild, of course, but useful in encouraging wild things.
Such was their indifference to us that I felt they deserved a collective noun, and I’m proposing an Insouciance.
This will be the last post on my University of Bath blog. I've been posting since June 10th 2009 but, 15 years and 2499 posts later, I really have to close it down if I'm to realise my 2010 retirement...
Extracts from three pre-election readings: I'm reading Rory Stewart's warts 'n' all book about his time as an MP for Penrith and the Border, the constituency I was born and grew up in. He writes about the difficulty of being...
In the most recent SEEd Newsletter (essential reading), Ann Finlayson writes: "I recently came across an amazing diagram on LinkedIn (Katherine Hayhoe, Climate Scientist, What can we do about climate change?) which was a version of a theory of change and...