I'm pleased to be able to thank Dr Lenka Vráblíková for explaining about the role of white heteropatriarchy in recent socio-political phenomena. It's taken a great weight off my mind and swept a legion of scales from my eyes.
Vráblíková was talking at Loughborough yesterday on: Othering Mushrooms: Migratism and its Racist Entanglements in the Brexit Campaign. This is the blurb:
"Deploying the ambivalence of mushrooms in the cultural imagination as an analytical lens, and drawing from Sara Ahmed’s (2010) theorization of ‘othering’ as an embodied process, the presentation examines the Brexit campaign’s migratism and its racist entanglements. Vráblíková argues that research on how forests, mushrooms and their foragers have figured in the formation of white heteropatriarchy is vital for contesting the re-emergence of the right-wing populism that, in Europe, is exemplified by events such as Brexit."
Never has environmental education (or Delia Smith's recipes) been such fun!