I see, thanks to the NAEE weekly round up, that the government has published the UK’s 3rd Climate Change Risk Assessment. On the website, the Minister for the School System, Baroness Barran said this:
“Building a more sustainable future is vital and education has a role to play. We want our nurseries, schools, colleges and universities to be cleaner and greener. As part of our Schools Rebuilding Programme, all new buildings have to be net-zero in operation and we’re taking action to understand the risks and adapt our school estate to cope with climate change, water scarcity, along with heat and flood risks. We’re also providing educational opportunities for young people to learn about the impacts of climate change, including how to adapt and tackle the issues we face.”
The last sentence is worth noting as it goes father than DfE usually does. Im fact, it's worth repeating:
We’re also providing educational opportunities for young people to learn about the impacts of climate change, including how to adapt and tackle the issues we face.
The national curriculum doesn't really focus on "impact / adapt / tackle" so it will be interesting to see what the department's current review of what might be done comes up with beyond more resources and training opportunities.