WEEC and the choice of Abu Dhabi

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

I know that at least some people are wondering why the World Environmental Education Congress took the decision to hold the 2024 WEEC meeting in Abu Dhabi.  I don't know the criteria that are used to make such venue decisions, but, bearing the Paris Agreement and the sustainable development goals in mind, the following seem pertinent:

should be part of an environmentally-conscious nation with an exemplary record on environmental protection

should be a leader in environmental education with a school and university system focused on environment and climate protection

should be an open plural democracy where the rights of women and all ethnicities and minorities are robustly protected and defended

should not be involved in or sponsor international or regional armed conflicts

should not overly rely for its national income on coal or petroleum extraction or refinement

should be making good progress on its socio-economic journey to net-zero

should have a generous financial package available to host and support the Congress

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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