This has been the driest February for 30 years and the 8th driest since 1836.
According to the National Drought Group, England is only one hot dry spell away from widespread drought conditions. Clearly action is needed. So, surely what we need is a Minister for Drought. Back in 1976 as soon as the hapless Denis Howell MP was appointed, it began to rain. As Wikipedia notes:
In the last week of August 1976, during Britain's driest summer in over 200 years, he was made Minister for Drought (but nicknamed 'Minister for Rain').[4] Howell was charged by the Prime Minister with the task of persuading the nation to use less water, and was even ordered by No.10 to do a rain dance on behalf of the nation.[5] Howell responded by inviting reporters to his home in Moseley, where he revealed he was doing his bit to help water rationing by sharing baths with his wife, Brenda.[5] Days later, heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding, and he became known as "Minister for Floods".[6][7] Then, during the harsh winter of 1978–1979 he was appointed Minister for Snow.[8] [9]
Such was the power of Labour governments back then.
Happily, I live in Wiltshire where we need not worry about such things as the council has a "clear commitment in its business plan to take responsibility for the environment and work to becoming carbon neutral by 2030." Indeed, a recent Peer Review by the Local Government Association, says that Wiltshire Council is “excelling in work to address climate change”. It added: “The council’s work to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change is impressive, with many activities that would be considered exceptional in other organisations being seen very much as the ‘day job’”.
Thank goodness for that!
Enjoyed this tongue in cheek post. Yet, I have to wonder what many business plans truly mean by Carbon Neutral? This is a comment term for people using alternative energy to achieve neutrality, but full accounting of anything in business inevitably means fossil fuels somewhere in the system are not being counted. Unless, for instance, they are using a quantum zero point source of energy , how do they become carbon neutral and still use fossil fuels? The discussions for our draconian green agenda's seem dominated by financial and political elites pushing carbon neutrality myths and rarely the people who will somehow have to live with these policies.