Quoting Mae West again

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

Something happened the other week which makes me think I may have come of age.  EER received a paper with a made-up citation which claimed that Annette Gough and I had published this:

Gough, A., & Scott, W. (2017). Reviewing climate change education research: A systematic review of empirical studies on school-based climate change education. Environmental Education Research, 23(7), 981-1001.

Sounds quite an interesting paper; a pity no one has written it.  But Annette and I were not alone in suffering a fake citation; far from it it seems with 20 such papers being cited in recent submissions.  Journal editing just got even harder.

Mind you, if you’re going to make up EER papers, you’d best not send what you’re writing to EER as the editor is hawk-eyed.  Some people – assuming it was a real person – really are idiots.

As for me, well it seems that my work was significant enough to be faked.  As Mae West said, it’s always much better to be looked over than overlooked.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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