Post-NAEE opportunities

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

At the NAEE AGM last Saturday morning I ceased after 7 years to be a trustee and, hence, chair of the trustee board.  Truly, it has been a privilege to be part of its 52 year old heritage, dating as it does from the dawn of the UK's interests in environmental education.  Nice things were said about my time, which was gratifying.  My blesséd mother would likely have been pleased, though duly sceptical.

I realise now that I have not written much about NAEE in my time writing this blog since 2009.  Maybe that will change.  I’ll certainly have more time to do it, though whether I really should spend that with more scribblings is open to some doubt.

My first act in my new NAEE-lite life was to head off to spend the afternoon with two of my grandchildren.  A better use of time all round.  And I've just been to the recycling centre having had a go at tidying up the garage.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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