
  • Climate change is faster than education's response

    The ever-alert Learn from Nature pointed me to an article in a recent Observer on how the rate of climate change is likely to outstrip nature's speed of adaptation.  The article reports a paper in Ecology Letters, an on-line journal,...

  • New comment to the Environmental Audit Committee

    I represent the South West learning for Sustainability Coalition on the English Learning and Sustainability Alliance [ELSA] development group.  This is a comment by ELSA to the EAC's current review of Sustainability in the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills [BIS]....

  • Eco-school report from Untidy Britain

    The Keep Britain Untidy group has released a report: Eco-Schools England: exploring success to inform a new horizon. This is the gist of the Executive Summary: In February 2013, Keep Britain Untidy commissioned independent research into the Eco-Schools programme.  This research...

  • Sustainability in learning and skills: a legacy of knowledge

    So, farewell to the Learning and Skills Improvement Service which ceased trading at the end of July.  The sustainability part of LSIS was always strong thanks to the steady guiding hand of Conrad Benefield, the LSIS Sustainability Programme Development Manager...

  • Udi and Kelly go mainstream

    Those of us following Kelly Teamey and Udi Mandel's progress round the globe via their blog will not have been particularly informed by last week's piece in the THE, even though we might have been a little bit disappointed at...

  • Gove, the curriculum, and all that

    The Education Forum carried a sharp article recently on Gove, history and the history curriculum.  It's here. This will make pleasant reading for all those who despise Gove's overly-political influence on the school / national curriculum – and that not...

  • Ofsted, universities, and the baseball umpire story

    A recent THE carried a story about Ofsted and university ITT courses.  It runs, ... Universities have suffered under Ofsted teacher training inspections since Michael Gove unveiled plans to increase school-based training, in what some claim is a politicised inspection regime...

  • My week

    The undoubted highlight was eating wild raspberries in Savernake Forest and then avoiding numerous black beetles as we walked its paths – Oh, and watching young children running about, hiding and seeking, climbing trees, riding bikes, chasing butterflies, and making dens.  Happily,...

  • More goodies from QAAHEA

    The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) are working "with experts" (that excludes me) on the development of a new guidance document for higher education providers on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).  An initial draft looms,...

  • The Commission catches up – well, nearly – and a little late

    Thanks to Steve Martin for pointing me to the European Commission report on the Modernisation of Higher Education: improving the quality of teaching and learning in Europe’s Higher Education Institutes.  This was published in June. The report sets out "a...