

Upcoming Events

  • Global Chair Applications: Any applications for Global Chairs being developed are due to the HoD on Monday 3 February.
  • The European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: 3 - 7 February.
    Carol Taylor will be in Malta for the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry and will do a workshop on Walking with Theory, a symposium, and a collaborative research event.
  • Departmental Seminar Series: 8 and 10 February.
    Colonialism and Powerful Knowledge. Speakers: Michael Young, UCL Institute of Education, London
    Arathi Sriprakash, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
  • Invited talk at the University of Cardiff, School of English, Communication and Philosophy - Wednesday 12 February.
    Title of the talk: 'The Invisible Process of Drafting Made Visible: Modelling and Joint Construction in Higher Education'.
  • Presentation at CGHE: Aline Courtois will be presenting at the following event on Thursday 13 February:  Public good, French universities and the Republican model of higher education.
  • Jim Hordern will be speaking on curriculum at Orchard School, Bristol INSET day - Monday 24 February.


IT Tip of the Month

Teaching yourself some simple keyboard shortcuts will cut down on mouse use and can help to reduce pain in the hand and fingers of your 'mouse hand'. Here are some to start with:

 Ctrl* + A = Select all items in a document or window
 Ctrl* + C = Copy the selected item
 Ctrl* + V = Paste the selected item
 Ctrl* + Y = Redo an action
 Ctrl* + Z = Undo an action
 F5 = Refresh the action window

*If you're a Mac user, switch the Control key for the Command button.

Posted in: Internationalisation and Globalisation, Language and Educational Practices, Leadership, Management and Governance, Learning, Pedagogy and Diversity


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