Author: Matt Coles -

Filmmaking is one of my passions, and before beginning the final year of my degree I had an itch to start a film project in my spare time, but I was studying architecture, so spare time was in short supply. The only way that I could film anything was by filming what was going on around me in studio, which also turned out to be a pretty good way of commemorating my final year.

The film covers a whole year of studio, which entailed two design projects: a group project (Basil Spence) and a longer individual project (Forgotten Voices), which happened consecutively. Both projects were punctuated with numerous ‘critiques’ where we would present our work for criticism. Presenting the film in this way would have been too complex however, so I simplified the film into two sections: ‘studio’ and ‘critique’. This was the basic structure to how we worked, with work intensifying approaching a critique, which would mark the end of that phase of the design.

What I appreciated most about studio, and I think it shows in the film, is the endless motivation and inspiration that you can summon from seeing the projects around you progress. Being surrounded by such brilliant work and supportive people is the only thing that can keep you working 35 straight hours before a deadline. That and coffee.

Watch Matt's video on YouTube.

Posted in: Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Student projects, Undergraduate

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