Giles Martin

  • Flipping Computer Programming

    Flipping Project Case Study: Dr Paul Shepherd presents a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in ACE for a computer programming course.

  • Flipping an International Cohort

    Flipping Project Case Study: Johanne Grosvold presents a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in Management, focussed on seminars with an international cohort of students.

  • Flipping Modern Manufacturing & Design

    Flipping Project Case Study: Aydin Nassehi presents a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in Mechanical Engineering for the Modern Manufacturing and Design course.

  • Flipping Matlab programming

    Flipping Project Case Study: Philip Shields presents a case study of the pilot Flipping project in Electrical and Electronic Engineering for the Matlab programming unit.

  • Flipping Seminars in sport, health & the social sciences

    Flipping Project Case Study: a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in Health for the Advanced Seminar in Sport, Health, and Social Sciences.

  • Flipping Exercise Science

    Flipping Project Case Study: Tim Lawrenson presents a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in Health on the Strength and Conditioning course.

  • Flipping French Grammar

    Flipping Project Case Study: Sandrine Alegre presents a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in PoLIS for the French Grammar course.

  • Flipping Quantum Physics

    Flipping Project Case Study: Dr Alessandro Narduzzo presents a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in the Department of Physics for the Introduction to Quantum Physics unit.

  • Flipping: Introduction

    Flipping is a useful case study to use to consider how we may teach the same course, content, and outcomes in a different way. It won’t work for everything, but it raises some useful questions for thinking about your course....

  • Constructive Alignment

    What is constructive alignment? Constructive alignment is a theoretical framework for learning design based around the idea of aligning the learning outcomes, the learning activities, and the assessment in a constructivist framework. The theory was developed by John Biggs and...