January 2011
WCLRN ‘Introduction to GCP’ – Full day Training Courses for February and March 2011
Introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training Courses for February and March 2011. 17th Feb – Dorset County Hospital 24th Feb – Gloucestershire Royal Hospital 14th March – Musgrove Academy, Taunton 30th March – The RICE Centre, Bath The course...
ALAN networking seminars 2011
Assisted Living Action Network (ALAN) Seminars: Intellectual Property Workshop - Every Business owns IP. What do you own? : 9 - 1 pm Wednesday 9th February 2011. Speakers: David Hopkins and Gary Townley. Register at: http://www.regonline.co.uk/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=931553 i-Med - How medical electronics...
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Chronic Pain Conference Feb 10-12 2011
The musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain conference will take place in Los Angeles, California from February 10th - 12th 2011. Evidence-based approaches for clinincal care, disability prevention and claims management. Plenary session topics: Prevention of disability, musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain,...
Helping young people recover lives blighted by pain.
Many young people experience disabling pain that arises from an illness or disease. For some this ain continues after healing of an injury or disease, or simply emerges without a clear cause. This ‘chronic pain’ can be devastating to the...