Sonia Knight
Sonia KnightNovember 7, 2012
Issue 6 of "In Touch" Published
Issue 6 of In Touch, the fortnightly Western CLRN newsletter, has been published and is now available to download from the website.
Sonia KnightOctober 24, 2012
Introduction to Valid Informed Consent In Clinical Research Training
When: 21 November 2012 Where: Ethics Meeting Room, Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol BS1 2NT What Time: 9.30am - 16.00pm As part of our WCLRN training programme for 2012, WCLRN are running a course entitled Introduction to Valid Informed Consent In Clinical Research Training...
Sonia KnightOctober 15, 2012
Do you suffer from headaches?
We would like to hear from you. Researchers at the Centre for Pain Research are interested in seeing how headaches may affects how well people can concentrate and perform tasks. We would therefore like to hear from healthy adults who...
More from this author
Sonia KnightOctober 10, 2012
Participate in Pain Research
We would like to hear from you. Researchers at the Centre for Pain Research are interested in seeing how pain may affects how well people can concentrate and perform tasks. We would therefore like to hear from healthy adults who...
Sonia KnightOctober 10, 2012
Issue 5 of "In Touch" Published
Issue 5 of In Touch, the fortnightly Western CLRN newsletter, has been published and is now available to download from the website.
Sonia KnightOctober 8, 2012
Job Vacancy: Research Fellow to the FRAX and Fall Study (Band 7) (Part-time 80%WTE)
This post is an excellent opportunity for a well organised, keen and talented researcher with experienced in randomised trials and nested qualitative research to contribute to an important two year study aiming to reduce fracture rate in people who fall....
Sonia KnightOctober 3, 2012
Job Vacancy: Patient Public Involvement (PPI) Research Co-ordinator (fixed term post)
For more information visit the University of Bath website at:
Sonia KnightOctober 1, 2012
Issue 4 of "In Touch" Published
We are pleased to announce that Issue 4 of "In Touch", the fortnighly Western CLRN newsletter, has now been published. For more information visit the NIHR website below:
Sonia KnightOctober 1, 2012
2012 Bath Pain Forum
What: At the Translational Interface of Pain: New Drug Developments for Neuropathic Pain. A presentation by Professor David Wynick. Where: Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath, Lecture Hall. When: Tuesday 4 December 2012. Presentations from 3.30pm - 4.45pm, followed by...
Sonia KnightSeptember 17, 2012
Ignite Comes to Campus 19 September 2012
Date: Wednesday 19 September 2012 Time: 4.30pm to 6.00pm Venue: Claverton Rooms, University of Bath Ignite events run in 100 cities worldwide and it’s a way for presenters to share their personal and professional passions - quickly! Each presenter has just...