May 2016
Britain in Europe: between self-interested cynicism and narrow-minded nationalism?
Dr Theodoros Papadopoulos, Lecturer, Department of Social & Policy Sciences As part of a module I used to teach called ‘Policy and Power’, I used video extracts from the well-known 1980s series Yes Minister to spark discussion in the class. One...
Emily Rempel: 'The Problem of Public Engagement, Public Policy and Public Data'
Why does public engagement with new technology matter? More to the point, why does public engagement with data matter? The collection and use of data isn’t new: in England, the state has been collecting data since at least the Domesday...
Dr Emma Carmel: 'Migration and EU membership'
Dr Emma Carmel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social & Policy Sciences The political arguments around EU membership and migration have the qualities of children’s playdough: eye-catchingly bright, highly malleable, and good to keep us busy for a while. Unfortunately, also...
Notes on age and the “Super Thursday” election results
In recent years, age has come to rival social class as a determinant of voting behavior. Broadly speaking, older votes have higher turnout rates than younger voters, and at key democratic moments, such as the referendum on independence in Scotland...
Dr Alim Baluch: 'Germany vs Brexit – The Reluctant Hegemon is not amused'
Dr Alim Baluch, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies The German government and the German media are watching the Brexit debate very closely and Germany is taking it personally. There are, of course, many different German perspectives,...