September 2016
Four men who will shape the way the EU negotiates Brexit
Dr Susan Milner is Reader in European Politics at the University of Bath. Dr Patricia Hogwood is Reader in European Politics at the University of Westminster, and Clément Jadot is a PhD candidate at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Although the...
Whatever happened to the soft left?
The New Statesman led its Labour Party conference edition with a series of “New Times” pieces, in emulation of the 1988 Marxism Today special of that title. For people of a certain age, Marxism Today remains talismanic. It was where...
Altering the foreign aid equation
Ali Salman is Founder and Executive Director of the Policy Research Institute of Market Economy in Islamabad, and is studying on the IPR's Professional Doctorate programme. The West has spent US$2.3 trillion on foreign aid over the last five decades...
Colin Crouch: The familiar axes of politics are changing, with momentous consequences
The familiar axes of politics are changing, with momentous consequences, argues Colin Crouch From the time of the French Revolution, mass politics has revolved around two core conflicts: that between preferences for more or less economic inequality; and that between...
Drug and alcohol-related deaths: What of those left behind?
Dr Christine Valentine is Research Associate in the University of Bath's Centre for Death and Society (CDAS), part of the Department of Social and Policy Sciences. According to popular wisdom death is the great leveller, affirming our common humanity whatever...
Who wants to be superior? The psychogenesis of xenophobia and radical Islam in Germany
Dr Alim Baluch is Teaching Fellow in German Politics & Society at the University of Bath's Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies. In July 2016, Germany was struck to the core by a wave of terrorist attacks; two were carried out...
Defending the indefensible: France, the burkini affair and the further mainstreaming of racism
Dr Aurelien Mondon is Senior Lecturer in French and Comparative Politics at the University of Bath. His research focuses predominantly on elite discourse and the mainstreaming of far-right politics, particularly through the use of populism and racism. In the aftermath...