A Student Story: A Year Abroad at HEC Montréal

Posted in: Funding/Scholarship, Mobility, Partnership, Student mobility, Turing funding

Written by Charlotte Greenstein, BSc (hons) International Management and Modern Languages (French) student.

Charlotte's blog came second place in the 2022-23 Turing Stories Contest. Well done Charlotte!

Studying in Canada has completely changed my mindset and outlook on life. It sounds like a big statement, but I never expected that this study exchange could have made such a positive impact on me. Initially, I just wanted to go out of my comfort zone and challenge myself in a new country, whilst meeting new people all from different backgrounds and carrying different stories. However, what I got was so. Much. More.

Making friends with a reindeer at Parc Omega

Where I lived became a second home to me, and I felt like I saw who I wanted to become as how I was living was making me happier than I ever saw myself being here. At first, I was so nervous - anxious to go to this place I had little knowledge about, but I am more than glad I did it. I made such strong connections with friendships that will certainly last a lifetime! This really was made possible through participating in the social activities that the HEC Montréal team organised; they even made me a surprise birthday party on a chalet weekend retreat.

Standing in front of the famous Chichén Itzá in Mexico

None of this would have happened without help from the Turing fund, as the money was able to support and enrich my Canadian experience. Such opportunities don’t come often, and the Turing fund allowed me to have more freedom in enriching my time here. I could even travel to Cancun with the friends I made at the HEC Montréal university and see the Chichén Itzá in Mexico! Spring break is such a huge thing here, and I can honestly say that it was my favourite holiday I have ever been on. Without the Turing scheme money, I wouldn’t have even been able to consider going on this trip. Even without all these fun trips, Canada is not cheap. The food prices were very high, and lots of unexpected costs arose that I simply would not have been able to budget for without the financial support. The exchange is something to experience, to enjoy and to immerse yourself in, without the stress of wondering if you can afford it.

Posted in: Funding/Scholarship, Mobility, Partnership, Student mobility, Turing funding


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