Here we are in 2018. Can’t believe how fast 2017 has flown!
We have had some great events happening since our first meeting in April 2017 and we have plenty more to come.
So, diaries at the ready to pencil in the following dates:
- Saturday 10th February, 8.30pm – As requested by group members, we will be going out in Bristol! We will start in a nice pub/bar (TBC) then move on to the Queenshilling gay club (where we will book a booth) to dance the night way! You can be assured we will be in a safe space to start the night too.
- Friday 27th April, 7pm – Bowling in Bath
- Friday 29th June, time TBC – Bar in Bath (TBC) then Mandalyns
- Friday 19th October – Bizarre Bath Tour, details TBC
- December – Christmas Party (it’s never too early to talk about this when there is only 341 days to go!)
That’s in addition to our on-campus meetups every month.
We will provide details on some of the events nearer the time on our Facebook page. If you haven’t been to one of our events before then do get in touch with us at