Queerness and faith panel discussion recording

Posted in: Events

I had the pleasure and privilege of hosting our recent panel discussion about living in faith whilst being LGBTQ+. Being an atheist myself I was genuinely curious to learn more about the experiences of those of faith in the queer community.

Hearing the three queer panel member's journeys was a genuinely moving experience, and made me certain that we, as a community, need to do more to learn about these types of stories. The wider queer community needs to be more open and understand the experiences of those of faith within it. A feeling of belonging needs to be fostered within the religious and queer communities for whose who are both. Thank you to all three panel members for sharing their truth with us. Special thanks also goes to ally and University Chaplain Nigel for joining the panel too.

I earnestly encourage people of all faiths and those of no faith to take 50 minutes to listen to this this video: https://vimeo.com/944458454/a4dd528c5b



Posted in: Events


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  • This was such a great discussion, both thought-provoking and powerful - thank you to Sophie for organising and hosting!