2020-21 group goals

Posted in: News

We are excited to announce the 2020-21 group goals for Kaleidoscope, the LGBT+ group for Staff and PGRs.

Following a consultation with our membership we have written these goals to help guide the actions of the committee throughout the year. Our goals for this academic year are to:

  • Apply to the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index.
  • Secure funding to receive support to complete the application for the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index.
  • Secure ongoing funding for the Rainbow Lanyards Project.
  • Encourage allies to complete self-guided online allyship training, leading to recognition with a digital Kaleidoscope Ally signature.
  • Secure the presence of ED&I representation at all staff induction events to ensure representation from all staff support groups.
  • Contribute to a campaign for increased resources to support the ED&I team, engaging with other support groups across the university to achieve this.
  • Strengthen links with the Doctoral College and PGA to help make PGR students aware of Kaleidoscope as an alternative to the SU LGBT+ group

These goals will be reviewed annually, and are designed to compliment our Terms of Reference.

If you have any comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to get in touch via lgbt-staff@bath.ac.uk.

If you are a member of the LGBT+community and would like to join Kaleidoscope, you can do so here.

If you are an ally and would like to join our Allies Network, you can do so here.


Posted in: News


  • (we won't publish this)

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  • Yay! I particularly like the reference to the Rainbow Lanyards Project. Mine now has pride of place in the glove compartment of my car, ready to spring into action just as soon as I have a need to come in to Bath 🙂