HEFCE’s Open Access Policy comes into force today which has important implications across all our research and will be a critical factor when it comes to the next REF assessment.
From today (1 April 2016) all journal articles and conference papers with an ISSN must be accessible via Open Access. Practically, for researchers, this means that authors’ final peer-reviewed manuscripts must be deposited in PURE in full text form within three months of their acceptance for publication.
Whilst this policy does not apply to monographs, book chapters, other long-form publications, working papers, or data, the publishing of these in Open Access is strongly encouraged and may also be important for other purposes, including for external funders.
Over the past 18 months we have seen a strong upsurge in Open Access publishing across all Departments and are now in a good position going forward.
If you are still unsure about how to comply, please follow the three steps below.
3-step guide to get REF ready
Step 1 - Keep your authors’ accepted manuscript
- Keep this version for journal articles and conference proceedings (with an ISSN).
- This is necessary even if the publisher will make the article Open Access on publication.
- Whether you are the sole author, a co-author, a postgraduate or a professor, you need to keep this version of your paper.
Step 2 - Upload this to Pure ASAP!
- When your publisher sends you an acceptance notification, log into Pure to add the basic publication details and upload the document.
- The Library will ensure compliance with any embargo date.
- You are now compliant! The Library will regularly check to see if the article has been published and update the published article details, once available.
Step 3 – Keep in contact with the library team
- If you have any questions please email openaccess@bath.ac.uk or call the Repository Support Librarian on ext. 5114 or visit the Library, Level 4.
You can read the full HEFCE policy here - https://www.hefce.ac.uk/rsrch/oa/Policy/ and HEFCE’s FAQ document here - https://www.hefce.ac.uk/rsrch/oa/FAQ/.