Demonstration of Microsoft's Surface Hub: an interactive whiteboard

Posted in: New Technology

Date: Tuesday 21st June
Venue: 3W 4.1

Microsoft's Surface Hub is a large interactive whiteboard which can be used as both a collaboration and videoconferencing device and has the ability to help with learning and teaching. A representative from Microsoft is attending for the day to demonstrate the capabilities of this product for academics, and also provide technical guidance of how the product can work on the network for supporting staff.

Sessions are available in 3W 4.1 on the 21st June at the following times:

○ 1pm - 2pm
○ 2pm - 3pm
○ 3pm - 4pm

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided for those attending.

Please reserve a space by emailing

An example of the Surface Hub in use.  Used with permission from Microsoft.
An example of the Surface Hub in use. Used with permission from Microsoft.

Posted in: New Technology


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  • would like to attend the 1pm session please

  • Please can I attend the Demonstration of Microsoft's Surface Hub: an interactive whiteboard at 2-3pm