Santander have teamed up with LITEbox and the University of Bath to offer a £10,000 fund for innovative and inclusive ideas to facilitate progression in teaching and learning in and around the University. Before you apply, please read the following information:
Eligibility Criteria:
- Both Staff and Students (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) are encouraged to apply for the fund
- Projects must be between £1000-£5000 in total
- Duration of projects can be up to two years
- It is recommended that the project incorporates some form of Staff-Student collaboration
- Any successful bids for equipment are based upon an agreement that the equipment becomes part of the LITEBox Digital Playground upon project completion.
- Successful applicants will further be asked to contribute to the LITEBox community through seminars, blog posts and/or "cafe style" introductory/dissemination events. Santander may also contact the applicant for personal information, and an impact report to understand the outcomes and impact generated from the project will be required.
Topic Areas:
There are certain topic areas the applications should fall under.
Personal Development:
These projects are focused on developing individual learning and teaching experiences, including whilst on placement. For instance, how is your project contributing to the development of a range of skills including but not limited to: public engagement opportunities, final year projects, PhD projects, group work.
Past Funded Project: Spanish Radio Station
The aim of this project is to explore the use of broadcasting media, through the creation of a weekly one-hour Spanish Radio programme, to enhance language learning and intercultural awareness for students.
- Requested amount approx. £3000 over 2 years
- Legacy - Radio equipment and the know-how of running a radio programme is taught to interested students.
Program Specific
These projects are focused on developing programs of study. For instance, projects can be focused on overcoming a challenge experienced on your course or enhancing existing good practice.
Past Funded Project: UNI-LAB (Undergraduate Innovation Laboratory)
"UNI-LAB” an UNdergraduate Innovation LABoratory" is a maker-space where students especially in the Physics department can work together, designing and building with 3D printers, laser-cutters and cheap Raspberry Pi computers.
- Requested amount: £4800 over 1.5 years
- Legacy – A Maker-space on campus with state-of-the-art technology and equipment available to students
Development of Learning and Teaching Across the University
These projects are focused on enhancing the broader learning, teaching and research environment.
Past Funded Project: Interactive Whiteboard in Lectures
Development of an interactive voting and communication system within lectures, coupled with class quizzes to enable a more interactive learning experience.
- Requested amount: £2200 over two years
- Legacy - Interactive technology could be implemented across multiple departments
Application Deadline: 14th December 2018
To Apply:
Please download and complete the following application form and send a PDF version to with your application attached:
Application Form
Application Form (Word) (this will take you to Google Drive to download the document as MSWord).
For advice or guidance email the LITEBox Team at
Read more about the last academic year's Round I award holders and Round II award holders.