As we are coming to the end of the academic year, the LITEBox Team have put together an event to celebrate, showcase and encourage new innovative ways of learning and teaching.
A total of nine projects were awarded with the Santander Technology Fund in the past two years within three rounds of funding. The LITEbox - Santander Technology Fund provided a funding of £30K funding to support ideas that enhanced learning and teaching environment using new and existing technologies. The first one starting from Feb 2017 which is estimated to run till Jan 2021.
In this event, the project team leads will present their journeys. This event is highly recommended for people who want to integrate technology and innovative teaching and learning practices in their sessions.
If you are intrigued by the outcome of these projects, or just curious about innovative learning and teaching practices, join us on 10th July Wednesday at 13:30 PM!
Date: 10th July, 2019 (Wednesday)
Time: 13:30 - 15:05 PM (Coffee/tea will be served from 13:30)
Venue: 8W 2.1
Richard Bowman, Uni-LAB
Dr Benjamin Metcalfe, Interactive Whiteboard
Alisha Tuladhar, Circular Economy
Ana Sevilla-Merion, Spanish Radio Station
Rowan Cranwell, Devices for online exams
Samuel Chung, Bath Space Society
Daniel Fosas De Pando, Portable Labs
Steve Cayzer, InteDashboard
Maria Valero, iPADS in Classrooms
Read more about the winners here: Round I, Round II and Round III .
If you have similar ideas or projects you would like to run, we would highly encourage you to get in touch with us. Email: