Flipped teaching
Using Peerwise (MCQ software) to encourage a deeper understanding
Staff involved Amanda Mackenzie, Dept of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Christine Edmead, Dept of Pharmacy and Pharmacology What was done and what technology was used? Peerwise is free online software which supports students in the creation, sharing, evaluation and discussion of...
Using tablets and other technology in research-inspired teaching
Dr Kit Yates shared his experiences of using the media to publicise research, research inspired teaching, and also using iPads in class for teaching. A brief write up is below, and you can also download the full presentation for more...
Technology Showcase
On 19 February, four short presentations took place followed by a poster display. This event showcasing the use of technology within learning and teaching from different staff across the University gave the attendees an opportunity to share and discuss ideas,...
Using tablets and other technology in research-inspired teaching
This event has now taken place, a write up is available including benefits and drawbacks of using the iPad to teach in lectures Dr Kit Yates is a relatively new lecturer who has been fortunate enough to have some of...
A flipped teaching toolkit for a quantitative module
Dr Aydin Nassehi began his LITEbox session, available to watch online, by explaining a typical problem with the “standard” classroom approach: students claim to be too busy meaning they often miss lectures, tutorials and out-of-class study time, leading to a...
LITEbox Event: A flipped teaching toolkit for a quantitative module
A flipped teaching toolkit for a quantitative module (a digitising tablet, screen capture and an audience participation system) Date: Wednesday 18 November 2015 Time: 12.45pm - 13.45pm Venue: CB 5.13 Please send an email RSVP to litebox@bath.ac.uk to register your interest....