A flipped teaching toolkit for a quantitative module (a digitising tablet, screen capture and an audience participation system)
Date: Wednesday 18 November 2015
Time: 12.45pm - 13.45pm
Venue: CB 5.13
Please send an email RSVP to litebox@bath.ac.uk to register your interest.
If you are thinking about 'just-in-time' lecturing for flipped teaching, adding interactivity to your class or, trying self-paced instruction through virtual learning environments, this session may be of interest to you. In this session, innovative e-learning technologies will be showcased that can significantly enhance your teaching practice and student engagement.
Specifically, this session will look at the ways in which interactive learning environments can be created through: the integration of virtual learning environments such as Moodle; audience participation systems; and simple software packages.
Dr Aydin Nassehi is a Mary Tasker award-winning Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His area of expertise is manufacturing; a topic that is often challenging and unpopular with Mechanical Engineering students.
Watch a short video which Aydin has produced himself on the challenges faced when teaching manufacturing to second year students: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mr3cr24k5em1pk6/LiteBox.mp4
![Flipped teaching](https://blogs.bath.ac.uk/litebox/wp-content/uploads/sites/88/2015/09/AydinLB.png)
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