The University of Bath, in partnership with the SU, are launching a 90 minute training programme to tackle sexual harassment and misconduct on and off campus. We have seen through the #NeverOK campaign, and the Universities UK taskforce report how prevalent sexual harassment is on University campuses. The #MeToo and #Time’sUp movements have shown us that this is not an issue occurring solely at Universities - it is pervasive in society.
We have all been in situations where we have witnessed something that made us feel uncomfortable....but we weren't quite sure what to do about it, or we thought about a great come-back on the way home! The Bringing In The Bystander programme® gives people to tools to become effective and safe bystanders, whether that is in the moment, or having a quiet word at a more opportune time.
The programme was developed by the University of New Hampshire and has been delivered at Universities across the world, with significant research demonstrating its effectiveness at encouraging attitude change and increasing bystander behaviours.

This engaging, thought-provoking training course is significant part of The University of Bath's strategy to prevent sexual harassment. We plan to offer this course as widely as possible to students and staff.
The course has already been delivered to a number of SU staff, the Hall Reps, all first year psychology students, and a number of different staff groups including colleagues from the Doctoral Collage, HR and Senior Management.
Look out for upcoming information on how you can request that this course is delivered to your sports team, department or class.
In the words of Barack Obama "It's on all of us" to prevent sexual harassment and assault.