Message from Diane Aderyn, Director of Finance & Commercial Services, as staff move into 10 West:
Dear colleagues
I wanted to give you an update on developments on and off campus in case you were unable to attend Let’s Talk.
Improving our infrastructure is central to our new strategy. We are creating modern, purpose built spaces from which we can increase the volume of our research, grow graduate student numbers, enhance the experience we offer undergraduate students and strengthen our global profile.
Claverton Campus
We have taken possession of 10 West and will start using the building this week.
This will provide state of the art facilities for the Department of Psychology and Institute for Policy Research (IPR) as well as offering study space for postgraduate students on its upper floors.
To the East, we will be moving into 4 East South in July. The main structure will house the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering with a separate space providing the base for the University’s main computing data centre.
Between them, both buildings increase the space we have available on campus for research, learning and teaching by nearly 10 per cent.
To the South, the project to construct the Milner Centre building is progressing well. Planning consent was secured last month and we are close to appointing contractors, with work on site to start in August.
After Computer Services move into 4 East South, 2 South will be used to accommodate staff as other buildings are refurbished. The area will then be redeveloped to create a range of new science laboratories.
There are also plans for the North of campus that are being worked on as we speak.
City of Bath
In the City, we have received planning consent to transform 18 Manvers Street into a learning zone with office space for student-facing services. We are about to appoint contractors for the extensive redesign to create approximately 1,000m2 of study space and facilities. Together with the 10 West postgraduate facility, this adds 20 per cent more learning space to that offered by the University Library.
We have also put in place measures to accommodate more of our students. We have secured 354 spaces through agreements with five locations in the City and created three new posts to work with private sector landlords and further improve our accommodation enquiries and reception services.
You may also have seen the news that we have established a new presence in central London.
83 Pall Mall will provide a base for seminars and programmes from our School of Management, Institute for Policy Research and other departments. Its location will enable us to develop even closer links with national and international policymakers, partners and collaborators.
The recording of my talk is on the Let’s Talk webpages if you would like to see my presentation.
The building work you see happening around you is the physical evidence of the work that is going into developing our new strategy.
As the facilities come on stream, they will provide us with the platform to establish the University as an international leader in graduate education.