General Information about the Club can be found here
All meetings start at 7.30pm in EB 1.1
Annual membership for University staff and students £10.00.
Meetings and membership are open to all. Visitors are welcome £6.00.
Membership Secretary: Anne Pacey: T.: 01225 315327; E.:
Thursday 20 October 2016
Grow Your Own Cut Flowers
Georgie Newbery, Owner Common Farm Flowers
Georgie Newbery started Common Farm Flowers near Wincanton in 2010 – a business that grew from selling sweet peas from her gate. Then the fashion for home-grown bouquets took off, and Georgie saw an opportunity to increase her market. From those early gate sales her home-grown bouquets are now sent next-day delivery to the whole of the UK.
Wednesday 16 November 2016
Developing the Native Flora of China for use in Chinese Designed Landscapes
James Hitchmough, Professor of Horticultural Ecology, University of Sheffield
Tuesday 6 December 2016
Better Behaved Eucalyptus
Hilary Collins, Owner, Grafton Nursery
Wednesday 18 January 2017
Winter Wonderland
Rod Leeds, Past President Alpine Garden Society
Wednesday 8 February 2017
Propagation in Summer and Autumn
Bob Brown, Nurseryman, Cotswold Garden Flowers
Thursday 9 March 2017
My Life in Plants
Roy Lancaster, Plantsman Extraordinaire
Tuesday April 18 2017
Steppes – Mother of Mankind and Gardens
Panayoti Kelaidis, Curator, Denver Botanic Gardens
Monday 8 May 2017 – AGM
Creative Ideas for Small Gardens
Annie Guilfoyle, Garden Designer