Thursday 19 October 2017
50th anniversary celebration dinner
Gardens, Gardening and Gardeners, how they’ve changed in 50 years
Peter Thoday Founder Member
Monday 13 November 2017
Plant Hunting in Eastern Anatolia
Timothy Walker
past Horti Praefectus Oxford University Botanic Garden
Wednesday 6 December 2017
Virgins Weeders and Queens
Twigs Way
Garden Historian
Tuesday 16 January 2018
Epimediums and Friends
Sally Gregson
Owner, Mill Cottage Nursery
Wednesday 21 February 2018
Developing the Native Flora of China for use in Chinese Designed Landscapes
James Hitchmough Professor of Horticultural Ecology, Univ of Sheffield
Wednesday 21 March 2018
Oxford College Gardens
Tim Richardson, author and critic
Monday 9 April 2018
Italy from Seed to Plate
Paolo Arrigo
Franchi Seeds
Tuesday 22 May 2018
So Many Plants, So Little Time
Tony Avent
Owner, Plant Delights Nursery, North Carolina
AGM (ROOM 5W2.3)
All meetings start at 7.30pm at the University of Bath
EB1.1: East Building, level 1, room 1.(except 19 October & 22 May)
Annual membership for University staff and students £10.00. One meeting free.
Meetings and membership are open to all. Visitors are welcome £6.00.
Membership Secretary: Anne Pacey: T.: 01225 315327; E.:
If any of your Gardening Club might be interested in this at BRSLSI, 16 Queen Square, they'd be most welcome:
Categories: BRLSI events,
Event date: Monday 12th March 2018
Start time: 19:30
Location: BRLSI, 16-18 Queen Square, Bath, BA1 2HN
Title: Humphry Repton & the Art of Ornamental Gardening
Description: Talk by:
Prof. Tim Mowl
Emeritus Prof. of History of Architecture & Designed Landscapes, University of Bristol
Timothy Mowl’s lavishly illustrated lecture, conceived to celebrate the bicentenary of the landscape gardener Humphry Repton, will focus upon Repton’s brilliant sales gimmick of his Red Books and chart the development of Ornamental Gardening in the Regency through his chequered career as a practitioner of designed landscapes.
After a decade writing books on architectural history, in 2000 Timothy Mowl published Gentlemen & Players: Gardeners of the English Landscape; he then embarked upon a nationwide series of the historic gardens of England, county by county. Hampshire (published 2016) is the latest in the series. Professor Mowl has also written biographical studies of John Wood of Bath, Horace Walpole, William Beckford and William Kent.
Students/Members £2, Visitors £4
Submitted by:
Contact: 01225 312084